France business directory and Search Engine
Business and industry branches in France
The most important categories with enlisted businesses in France ordered by themes.
Agriculture and Livestock
- Animals and Livestock
- Cereals and Grains
- Horticulture and Forestry
Food and Related Products
- Food Processing
- Drinks
- Tinned Foods
Metallurgy and Metalworking
- Finished Metal Products
- Steel and Metals
- Tools and Hardware
Mechanical Engineering and Industry
- Agriculture - Equipment and Machines
- Food Industry - Equipment and Machines
- Wood - Equipment and Machines
Automotive and Vehicles
- Aeronautics
- Cars
- Boats
Construction and Public Works
- Construction
- Construction - Structural Work
- Equipment
Electrical and Electronic
- Electrical and Electronic Components
- Illumination
- Electricity
Luxury and Leisure Products
- Art and Entertainment
- Jewellery
- Presents
Transport and Related Services
- Air Transport
- Transport Auxiliaries
- Rail Transport
Business Services
- Administrative Services
- Design and Research Offices
- Packaging
Energy and Raw Materials
- Water
- Energy
- Raw Materials
Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals
- Chemicals - Basic Products and Derivatives
- Cosmetica
- Pharmaceuticals
Rubber and Plastics
- Rubber
- Packaging - Plastic
- Plastics
Wood and Furniture
- Wood
- Home Furniture
- Furniture for Business
Construction and Building
- Construction Materials
- Ceramics
- Glass
Precision Equipment
- Clock and Watchmaking
- Measurement - Equipment and Instruments
- Optical equipment and instruments
Information Technology
- Application
- Computers
- Peripherals - Computer
Telecommunications Industry
- Audio-Visual
- Office Automation
- Cables and Networks
Paper and Cardboard
- Packaging Materials - Paper and Cardboard
- Paper and Cardboard - Finished Products
- Paper and Cardboard - Raw Materials
Leather and Shoes
- Shoes
- Leather Goods
- Leather - Raw Materials
Textiles and Clothing
- Clothing Accessories
- Household Linen and Fabrics
- Textile
Printing and Publishing
- Publishing
- Electronic Publishing
- Printing press
Travel, Tourism and Leisure
- Hotel Business and Catering
- Trade Shows
- Sports and Leisure Activities
Advertising and Marketing
- Marketing
- Media
- Advertising
Banking, Finance and Insurance
- Insurance
- Banking Institutions
- Financial Consultants
- Medical biotechnology
- Health Centres
- Medical Equipment
Recent reviews from user
Recent company and organization
Europe Luxury Services
Av Marques del Duero 76
San Pedro de Alcantara
29670 Malaga
- 00442034111574
Europe Luxury Services
Av. Marques Del Duero 76
San Pedro de Alcantara
29670 Malaga
- 00442034111574
Popular locations in France
The most popular cities and locations in France with business companies, lawyers and medical doctors.
- North
- Paris
- Bouches-du-Rhône
- Rhône
- Hauts-de-Seine
- Seine-Saint-Denis
- Pas-de-Calais
- Gironde
- Yvelines
- Seine-et-Marne
- Val-de-Marne
- Loire-Atlantique
- Seine-Maritime
- Upper Garonne
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