Arrondissement de Saint-Quentin Business directory
> France > Picardie > Aisne > Arrondissement de Saint-Quentin
Business entries of Arrondissement de Saint-Quentin are gathered here with informations of contact, hours and ratings of users. You can enlist your own company entry or association here.
Arrondissement de Saint-Quentin entries
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You can enlist a company or association in the business category Arrondissement de Saint-Quentin.
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Economic development statistics 2024
The statistics show the economic development of Arrondissement de Saint-Quentin with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.
Statistics Arrondissement-de-Saint-Quentin
Cities & surrounding
Arrondissement de Saint-Quentin branches and surrounding
- Business Directory
- Saint-Quentin
- Bohain-en-Vermandois
- Gauchy
- Fresnoy-le-Grand
- Ribemont
- Harly
- Origny-Sainte-Benoite
- Montescourt-Lizerolles
- Flavy-le-Martel
- Beaurevoir
- Homblières
- Holnon
- Jussy
- Étreillers
- Itancourt
- Essigny-le-Grand
- Seboncourt
- Grugies
- Vermand
- Moÿ-de-l'Aisne
- Vendeuil
- Lehaucourt
- Neuville-Saint-Amand
- Mont-d'Origny
- Lesdins
- Gricourt
- Omissy
- Montbrehain
- Seraucourt-le-Grand
- Prémont
- Nauroy
- Brissy-Hamégicourt
- Séry-lès-Mézières
- Bellicourt
- Saint-Simon
- Savy
- Brancourt-le-Grand
- Urvillers
- Clastres
- Gouy
- Levergies
- La Ferté-Chevresis
- Morcourt
- Thenelles
- Cugny
- Hargicourt
- Fayet
- Étaves-et-Bocquiaux
- Mézières-sur-Oise
- Fonsomme
Economic activity December 2024
The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Arrondissement de Saint-Quentin in this month. This month 26 companies were registered, 14 were updated and 10 businesses were canceled.
Geographic information
Place name: | Arrondissement de Saint-Quentin |
Latitude: | 49.8333300 |
Longitude: | 3.3333300 |
Population: | 134551 |