Clothing industry supplies Saint-Père Business directory
> Business Directory Saint-Père > Textiles and Clothing Saint-Père > Clothing industry supplies Saint-Père
Business entries of Clothing industry supplies Saint-Père are listed here containing informations of address, hours and ratings of users. You can register your own company entry or organization here.
Clothing industry supplies Saint-Père entries
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Economic development statistics 2024
The statistics show the economic development of Clothing industry supplies Saint-Père with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.
Statistics Clothing-industry-supplies-Saint-Père
Cities & surrounding
Clothing industry supplies Saint-Père branches and surrounding
- Saint-Père local guide
- Blankets, bedspreads, duvets and eiderdowns Saint-Père
- Clothes - second-hand Saint-Père
- Fashion Saint-Père
- Clothing, fur Saint-Père
- Coats and raincoats Saint-Père
- Cords and strings Saint-Père
- Costumes, traditional costumes and disguises Saint-Père
- Fabrics Saint-Père
- Fabrics, coated Saint-Père
- Fibres, artificial and synthetic Saint-Père
- Formal wear Saint-Père
- Furnishing fabrics Saint-Père
- Gloves Saint-Père
- Hats and caps Saint-Père
- Haute couture, luxury ready-to-wear Saint-Père
- Import-export - textile and clothing Saint-Père
- Jeans and casual wear Saint-Père
- Jumpers and pull-overs Saint-Père
- Leather and suede clothing Saint-Père
- Linen Saint-Père
- Lingerie, underwear and indoor clothing Saint-Père
- Natural fibre preparing Saint-Père
- Natural textile waste Saint-Père
- Protective and work clothing Saint-Père
- Rugs and carpeting Saint-Père
- Shirts and blouses Saint-Père
- Socks and stockings Saint-Père
- Sportswear Saint-Père
- Technical textiles Saint-Père
- Tents and marquees Saint-Père
- Textile fibres, natural Saint-Père
- Textile finishing Saint-Père
- Threads and fabrics, elastic Saint-Père
- Threads and yarns Saint-Père
- Trimmings, embroidery and tulle Saint-Père
- Clothing Accessories Saint-Père
- Household Linen and Fabrics Saint-Père
- Textile Saint-Père
- Clothes Saint-Père
Economic activity December 2024
The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Clothing industry supplies Saint-Père in this month. This month 10 companies were registered, 36 were updated and 72 businesses were canceled.
Geographic information
Place name: | Saint-Père |
Latitude: | 48.5877800 |
Longitude: | -1.9238900 |
Population: | 2289 |