Do-it-yourself hand held tools Vendres Business directory
> Business Directory Vendres > Metallurgy and Metalworking Vendres > Tools and Hardware Vendres > Do-it-yourself hand held tools Vendres
Do-it-yourself hand held tools Vendres entries of companies, administrations and associations are gathered here containing informations of contact-address, hours and ratings of customers. You can add your own business entry or association here.
Do-it-yourself hand held tools Vendres entries
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Economic development statistics 2024
The statistics show the economic development of Do-it-yourself hand held tools Vendres with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.
Statistics Do-it-yourself-hand-held-tools-Vendres
Cities & surrounding
Do-it-yourself hand held tools Vendres branches and surrounding
- Vendres local guide
- Ballpoint pens Vendres
- Blades for saws and cutting machines Vendres
- Blades, circular Vendres
- Blades, guillotine Vendres
- Blades, machine tool Vendres
- Blades, straight Vendres
- Bleed taps Vendres
- Building hand tools Vendres
- Cocks and valves Vendres
- Cocks and valves for petroleum and petrochemical industries Vendres
- Compensators Vendres
- Connectors, plumbing Vendres
- Construction - portable power tools Vendres
- Corner irons, perforated Vendres
- Coupling screws Vendres
- Cutlery, household Vendres
- Diamonds, industrial Vendres
- Do-it-yourself hand-held power tools Vendres
- Electrical engineering - portable power tools Vendres
- Electrical engineering hand tools Vendres
- Fasteners, metal Vendres
- Fittings, metal Vendres
- Gas fittings Vendres
- Hand drills, power Vendres
- Hinges Vendres
- Hooks, metal Vendres
- Industrial valves, operating equipment Vendres
- Ironwork, industrial and building construction Vendres
- Knives, industrial Vendres
- Letter boxes Vendres
- Lockers, automatic Vendres
- Locks Vendres
- Masonry hand tools Vendres
- Metal brushes Vendres
- Metalworking - portable power tools Vendres
- Metalworking hand tools Vendres
- Motor mechanics - hand tools, non power Vendres
- Nails and tacks Vendres
- Needles, industrial Vendres
- Nuts Vendres
- Nuts and bolts, custom-made Vendres
- Plumbing installations Vendres
- Portable power sanders Vendres
- Power saws, portable Vendres
- Precision engineering - portable power tools Vendres
- Precision engineering hand tools Vendres
- Rails and sliding frames Vendres
- Rivets Vendres
- Rods, threaded Vendres
- Rupture discs Vendres
- Safes, electronic Vendres
- Safety valves, plumbing Vendres
- Safety vaults Vendres
- Scissors for household and professional use Vendres
- Scissors, industrial Vendres
- Screws Vendres
- Staples Vendres
- Stay bolts and ties Vendres
- Strongrooms Vendres
- Studs and bolts, fastening Vendres
- Swivel hooks Vendres
- Taps - adjustable controls Vendres
- Thimbles, forged Vendres
- Tightening wrenches Vendres
- Valves for industrial fittings Vendres
- Valves for sanitary fittings Vendres
- Vehicle repairs - portable power tools Vendres
- Washer fastenings Vendres
Economic activity December 2024
The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Do-it-yourself hand held tools Vendres in this month. This month 28 companies were registered, 6 were updated and 47 businesses were canceled.
Geographic information
Place name: | Vendres |
Latitude: | 43.2694400 |
Longitude: | 3.2241700 |
Population: | 2163 |