Linings - fabrics Vendres Business directory
> Business Directory Vendres > Textiles and Clothing Vendres > Fabrics Vendres > Linings - fabrics Vendres
Linings - fabrics Vendres entries of companies, authorities and associations are listed here with contact-address, hours and ratings of users. You can enlist your own company entry or association on this page.
Linings - fabrics Vendres entries
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Economic development statistics 2024
The statistics show the economic development of Linings - fabrics Vendres with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.
Statistics Linings-fabrics-Vendres
Cities & surrounding
Linings - fabrics Vendres branches and surrounding
- Vendres local guide
- Textile flocking Vendres
- Textile printing Vendres
- Threads and yarns, artificial and synthetic Vendres
- Threads and yarns, natural Vendres
- Threads, elastic Vendres
- Threads, special Vendres
- Trimmings Vendres
- Velvet - fabrics Vendres
- Wool - threads and yarns Vendres
- Wool fibres Vendres
- Woollen fabrics Vendres
- Bands, woven - industrial Vendres
- Canvas for blinds and covers Vendres
- Carded or combed artificial fibres Vendres
- Cotton - threads and yarns Vendres
- Cotton fabrics Vendres
- Cotton fibres Vendres
- Design consultants Vendres
- Elastic bands Vendres
- Embroidery Vendres
- Fabric design Vendres
- Fabrics for ready-to-wear garments Vendres
- Fabrics for technical use Vendres
- Fabrics, artificial and synthetic Vendres
- Fabrics, nonwoven Vendres
- Fabrics, packaging Vendres
- Fashion design Vendres
- Felts Vendres
- Fishing nets Vendres
- Flags, banners and pennants Vendres
- Geotextiles Vendres
- Jute - threads and yarns Vendres
- Jute fabrics Vendres
- Jute fibres Vendres
- Lace Vendres
- Lashing straps Vendres
- Linen - threads and yarns Vendres
- Linen fabrics Vendres
- Linen fibres Vendres
- Medical fabrics Vendres
- Mixed fabrics Vendres
- Nets and ropes Vendres
- Oilcloths and rubber coated fabrics Vendres
- Plush fabrics Vendres
- Ribbons and ropes Vendres
- Sailcloth Vendres
- Silk - threads and yarns Vendres
- Silk fabrics Vendres
- Silk fibres Vendres
- Straps, woven - industrial Vendres
- Technical textiles for industrial applications Vendres
- Technical textiles for medical applications Vendres
- Technical textiles for the transport industry Vendres
- Terrycloth Vendres
- Textile - import-export Vendres
- Textile dyeing Vendres
Economic activity December 2024
The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Linings - fabrics Vendres in this month. This month 15 companies were registered, 17 were updated and 31 businesses were canceled.
Geographic information
Place name: | Vendres |
Latitude: | 43.2694400 |
Longitude: | 3.2241700 |
Population: | 2163 |