Shearing - steels and metals Vendres Business directory
> Business Directory Vendres > Metallurgy and Metalworking Vendres > Steel and Metal Transformation Vendres > Shearing - steels and metals Vendres
Business entries of Shearing - steels and metals Vendres are listed here containing informations of contact-data, operation hours and ratings of users. You can register your own business entry or association here.
Shearing - steels and metals Vendres entries
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Economic development statistics 2024
The statistics show the economic development of Shearing - steels and metals Vendres with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.
Statistics Shearing-steels-and-metals-Vendres
Cities & surrounding
Shearing - steels and metals Vendres branches and surrounding
- Vendres local guide
- Iron and steel products trade Vendres
- Iron, steel and metallurgy - import-export Vendres
- Lacquering - steels and metals Vendres
- Metallization Vendres
- Milling - steels and metals Vendres
- Nickel plating Vendres
- Oxidation - metals Vendres
- Perforation of steels and metals Vendres
- Pipelines Vendres
- Plastic coating - steels and metals Vendres
- Poles, metal Vendres
- Polishing - steels and metals Vendres
- Porches, metal Vendres
- Pylons, metal Vendres
- Sand blasting - steels and metals Vendres
- Scouring - steels and materials Vendres
- Scouring - steels and metals Vendres
- Screw cutting - steels and metals Vendres
- Shaping - steels and metals Vendres
- Sharpening - steels and metals Vendres
- Sheds, iron and steel Vendres
- Shot blasting - steels and metals Vendres
- Silos, metal Vendres
- Sintering - steels and metals Vendres
- Slotting - steels and metals Vendres
- Stamping - steels and metals Vendres
- Straightening - steels and metals Vendres
- Structures, aluminium Vendres
- Tanks, metal Vendres
- Tapping - steels and metals Vendres
- Towers, metal Vendres
- Tubular structures Vendres
- Turning - steels and metals Vendres
- Varnishing - steels and metals Vendres
- Vats, metal Vendres
- Welding work - steels and metal Vendres
- Zinc electroplating Vendres
- Bending - steels and metals Vendres
- Boilermaking, aeronautic Vendres
- Boilermaking, heavy Vendres
- Boilermaking, naval Vendres
- Boilermaking, precision Vendres
- Boilers, copper Vendres
- Boilers, light-alloy Vendres
- Boilers, stainless steel Vendres
- Boring - steels and metals Vendres
- Brazing - steels and metals Vendres
- Bridges, metal Vendres
- Broaching - steels and metals Vendres
- Bronzing - steel and metals Vendres
- Canopies, metal Vendres
- Chrome plating Vendres
- Cisterns, metal Vendres
- Cleaning - steel and metals Vendres
- Cutting - steels and metals Vendres
- Drawing - steel and metals Vendres
- Electrolysis - surface treatment Vendres
- Emerising - steels and metals Vendres
- Engraving, industrial - steels and metals Vendres
- Erection and dismantling of industrial plants Vendres
- Extrusion - steel and metals Vendres
- Flagpoles Vendres
- Flocking - steels and metals Vendres
- Folding - steels and metals Vendres
- Forming - steels and metals Vendres
- Frameworks, lightweight - metal Vendres
- Galvanization - steels and metals Vendres
- Gold and silver plating - steels and metals Vendres
- Grinding - steels and metals Vendres
Economic activity December 2024
The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Shearing - steels and metals Vendres in this month. This month 7 companies were registered, 63 were updated and 24 businesses were canceled.
Geographic information
Place name: | Vendres |
Latitude: | 43.2694400 |
Longitude: | 3.2241700 |
Population: | 2163 |